A collation of contributing Ely Writers.Read Ely Writers who write here in full “Ely Writers who write here”
Modifications to the rules
Please note that rules 3 and 4 have been modified slightly. Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the changes.Read Modifications to the rules in full “Modifications to the rules”
Member submissions
If you’re a member of Ely Writers, you can submit an article about some aspect of writing for the news section or a project for…Read Member submissions in full “Member submissions”
Ely Writers is now on Mastodon
Ely Writers is now on Mastodon!Read Ely Writers is now on Mastodon in full “Ely Writers is now on Mastodon”
A collation of resources related to writing – and reading.Read Resources in full “Resources”
Ely Writers’ website reopens today!
The new and improved Ely Writers is back and in a new home.Read Ely Writers’ website reopens today! in full “Ely Writers’ website reopens today!”