Task: write!

At our meeting this week, we discussed how far we’d got with our writing. We’d made some good progress, even if some of us hadn’t actually written very much. It’s not always about how much you write, but about how far you progress with the planning and the structure of the story.

We each went through our work, reading some of it out, and then discussed it. I think we all came away from the meeting with new ideas and inspiration, and ways we can each improve what we’re working on. I’d say it was a very successful and fun meeting.

Next week

At the end of the meeting, we were set the task of continuing writing where we left off. For me, this means reorganising what I’ve already written so that my story starts later than it did originally, and then filling in the gaps.

Our next meeting will be at the usual time and place: 6 pm on Wednesday in the Cutter Inn.

Over to you

What are you currently writing?