A new year, a new meeting. Not many attendees this month, but it makes for a more intimate atmosphere.
Free writing
This month’s free-writing prompt was a situation that I concocted and asked three questions about:
- Your character finds an unusual object.
- What is it and where did they find it?
- What did they do with it/use it for?
- What was the result?
This turned out to be a tricky prompt, at least for me. I took one of my usual characters, but the object turned out to be some sort of fantastical beast, which is outside the genre of my novel. Still, it demonstrated that my character can defend herself against her (obvious) tormentor.
We heard two readings this week, completely different to each other, but each had its own merit.
Well done to those members. I hope we can hear more of their work – but only if they want to read it out. We put no pressure on anyone to read their work. Despite us creating a nurturing atmosphere for nascent writing, some people don’t want to read their work out, and that’s absolutely fine.
Any other business
One of our members writes pantomimes, and his latest production is to be shown locally this month. We’re hoping an Ely Writers contingent can go along to support him – something fun to look forward to!
Next meeting
Our next meeting will be 1 February 2023.
See you there?